Friday, December 5, 2008

Life @ Sun Moon Light

During my previous post, I have been mentioning about 'CHANGE'. A lot of people is asking me why I decided to resign.

Well, I have been with an organisation for more than a decade. I have seen everything from the day it started until today. I have received long service award not once, not twice but 3 times!

Why am I leaving this organisation now? Am I not fit for this organisation or the organisation not fit for me?

My answer is 'Life Must Go On!'

"If the road you take have a traffic jam, then find alternative route to continue your journey and reach your destination."

Let me share with you why I choose 'alternative route' to continue my journey.

I should share with you what I have learned here. Most important is what I have learned from someone weaknesses to turn into my strength and opportunity.

Sun Moon Light is a good organisation, however the area where I work has a road block! Every day is a cloudy day and I can't see any sunshine ahead! The situation in my area is like our current political chaos in our country. The head is in a denial stage... together with the management also in a blind stage as if nothing happen.

3 Main points I have pick up which I feel that is very important which the department lack off:

1. Sincere Appreciation

2. Trust

3. Communication

Why people is leaving? Yes.... the answer is 'CHANGE'. But why people want to change? What is the triggering point for people looking for change?
Simple reason... everyone find it hopeless working here. Where is our career path? What is our job security? When a dept head don't trust his people, where is our effort goes to when there is no sincere appreciation? Where is this ship heading when there is no communication?
The ship is heading to hit an iceberg!!!

Just give me one good reason why I should stay on board in this sinking ship?

What is 'sincere appreciation' means?

It is not by just say default 'thank you' in the email. We want a captain that can work together with us and appreciate us sincerely with the heart by just a simple pad of the shoulder. Appreciation through eye to eye contact and appreciation with human touch or just a simple smile will be good enough.

What is 'trust'? Trust is something you leave it to your people and let them do and prove to you that he/she can manage it. Is not by asking one's capability of his ability whether if he can perform the job or not as if you have doubt on his/her achievement.

Trust is to leave the job to the person and wait for the end result then only comment. When the person don't trust his people, he afraid to let his staff to attend training as he got ill feeling that after training, the person will just leave the job. He often secretly cross check with his direct report's subs to get update during the absence of his direct report. Even the newly join staff can feel that something is not right here!

Where is the 'communication within dept'?

The communication that we want is a supervisor that able to talk to us and listen to us.

We want meeting to share and update each other on the department progress. Oh... meeting! Did I just said 'meeting'? I can't recall if he had any of this meeting with us for the past 9 months! I think he know best when is the last meeting he had with us.

We want a boss that can listen to us and communicate to us sincerely. We want 2 way communication and we want a boss that can listen to advise and get good input. He is not this kind of person that can listen to others (except top down direction). He only think what he think is right and we must not reject.

"Mr. Nice Guy"
In the eye of every boss, a 'yes man' is the perfect man! Is a good man! Is a perfect figure because everything is 'yes sir'! In hokkian we said 'tia wa' (Chinese: 听话 means: able to listen to command or instruction). A person that reluctant to change or admit the true fact is a sore loser! A person who cannot listen to others suggestion or advise and feel that what he did is correct will end up losing all his army! The worst thing is his boss is still thinking that he is a perfect guy who has done his job well....

Don't push the responsibility to the immediate supervisor if someone resigns. It has nothing to do with the immediate supervisor. The main reason for a person to resign is overall department matter. Please accept the fact and ask why people resign.

"Head Shine" Theory
We are all human being, we don't work our shit out so that our 'head can shine' and so that head can be promoted than we will be promoted. This is not the way we want our management to appreciate us. All we know that if the fish head is rotten, the cut the head off. If the fish tail is rotten, then cut the tail off so that it won't spread to the whole fish.

The theory of 'boss is our head' and we as a body and we need to work our ass out so that our head can shine is WRONG!

Please wake up.... we are in the 21st century. We don't work for our boss anymore. We only work with our boss. We don't owe our boss anything so we don't work for him. We just work with him if he can work with us as a team. We just work with him because we are salary earner and he is also salary earner too.

If the ship is sinking, boss won't safe our ass... so, what for we need to work for him? We just work together with him. If he cannot perform, means he cannot perform. Not because he is our 'head' and is our responsibility to make him perform so that we can be shine and get appreciated. Hello... there are opportunity outside.... if management cannot see or appreciate our effort, then we will leave and let the management continue to hug the mr. nice guy.

REMEMBER: You must EARN your respect from others. Not others to GIVE you respect!

A puppet who know how to daily check everyone attendance to see who late for work, who didn't turn up for work as if we supervisor are sleeping and allow this to happen.
A puppet who will keep on asking for report to be delivered on time but the report is all just rubbish. A report that asking us to track by hour of what we did daily. How much time we spend for each request, each issue, meetings, etc etc. As if we are writing time sheet like a technician!

A mega project suppose to complete long time ago but until now still straggle working for it to live run! Why??? Just because of a project manager who can't lead the entire team to push for mutual agreed solution to suit our environment! A 'yes man' who blindly listens without even has brain to propose for the best solution. Take my words, by the time mega project turn live, the application as well as the hardware will be EOL in the market!

Ok... That's all I have to share. Want to know more? Treat me coffee bean and we can talk it all night!

"The truth about leaving is everyone has to leave one way or another, the question is who leave first"

David Goh... author of "The Day the Eagle Took Off"


Anonymous said...

well said.. :)
who will want to work with a boss who don't trust his own staff, lack of SINCERE appreciation, and kecut bola when dealing with top management, etc

an0nymous :P

donutking said...

well, I would certainly give him some recognition of shoo ing all the people away as without him, I won't be able to work in this new company which are 10x better working for him. So in a way, it is profitable for myself. :P

Anonymous said...

I feel sad and sorry that my ex-employer and my ex-dept is having that kind of head. It was much2 better when we had previous head even though she's not perfect. Well u know who I'm referring to.

Anyway good luck with the new company. I know the previous manager so just wonder what happen to her, did she resigned or moved to other group?

Btw, what's your new email? Mmm.. it's okay I'll get it from Aziz.