Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wind of Change

We have been hearing about these words - 'CHANGE', 'REFORMASI', 'POLITICAL TSUNAMI', etc etc.

March 8, 2008 is the day we created history in Malaysian politics when the ruling govt has been denied 2/3 majority at the federal level and loss 4 states. We witnessed the wind of change where the people has sent a strong signal though a democratic voting process that they want to 'CHANGE'.

November 4, 2008 when a black guy Obama can become United States President and going to stay in the 'White House'. What else in this planet earth that cannot be change?

Current global financial crisis and economy melt down is also part of the 'CHANGE' the whole world is facing right now. 2008 in fact is the year full of events (be in good or bad) and we are living in an ever changing world.

2008 is the year I went for my first ever operation in my life to remove some parts in my body. This year is also a year where my career path meet the 'cross road'. A decision that need to be made.

To stay or not to stay?

To change or not to change?

This question has been bordering me for the pass few weeks.

Spent a lot of sleepless night to find the answer... seeking family and friends advise as well as pray to God to give me some enlightenment.

At last I made up my mind with no regret to move out from the comfort zone accepting the CHANGE!

People around me has been wondering that I am crazy during this economy downturn I have the itchy ass to move on??? Normal people will sit down and hang on to the 'secure job' and do nothing first. Just hope that economy recover soon and then only make a move.

Better don't move.... alot of company is shutting down, having pay cut, freeze head count, no focal review, no bonus,.... etc etc. Times are bad, better save and hang on to what ever job that you have now. CASH IS KING!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hear that... but we live in this ever changing world, life must move on!

Author of The Secret of The Millionaire Mind - T Halv Eker quoted this:

Winner act in spite of fear.
Looser let fear stop them.
Fear, doubt and worry are amongst the greatest obstacles, not only to success, but to happiness as well. Therefore, one of the biggest differences between winner and looser is that winner are willing to act in spite of fear. Looser let fear stop them.
The biggest mistake most people make is waiting for the feeling of fear to subside or disappear before they are willing to act. These people usually wait forever.
It is imperative to realize that it is not necessary to try to get rid of fear in order to succeed. Winner and successful people have fear, winner and successful people have doubts, winner and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them!

So, when is the right time to move on?

To me, I feel that THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME! Anytime is the right time as long as you have the positive mind set! Positive thinking! Everyday is a good day!

Yes, I have decided, my life have to move on accepting the changes looking forward for the new beginning!!!

I usher 2009 with confident!

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